If you are using double or float in financial arithmetic operations, please
stop ⛔ this !!
the basic difference between double and decimal is that decimal and float
is a numeric type with base 2
that means only number with base 2 are
expressible in these types
while in our daily basis we use numbers with
base 10, 0-9 numbers
Sample code:
decimal dcm = 4m / 12m; // 0.3333333333333333333333333333
double dbl = 4.0 / 12.0;// 0.333333333333333
dcm + dcm + dcm + dcm + dcm + dcm; //1.9999999999999999999999999998
dbl + dbl + dbl + dbl + dbl + dbl; //2
As you can see in the upper code there's a rounding error,
the correct value should be 1.9 while in double it was
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